Overview dates:

Expected start date Tour 1:
24. May - 2. June 2025

Expected start date Tour 2:
08. June - 17. June 2025

Expected start date Tour 3:
26. Sept. - 05. Oct. 2025

Expected duration of the trip:
10 days (only Türkiye!)

Maximum number of aircraft per tour: 20

Note: Please allow 2 days for the outward flight. 1 day will be the joint meeting at EDMQ where we will organise a FlyOut party for you. The 2nd day is planned for Skopje, where more participants will be added; also, some aircraft do not have the range to fly from EDMQ to LTBH in one piece. For the return flight, everyone plans how many return days will be added.

Overview costs:

  • All costs charged by the authorities, airport operators, tour organisator, transfer companies and other service providers will be passed on to you in the same amount. An invoice is issued for each expense as proof. You make all payments directly to the service provider.

    Fuel: Everyone pays with their own credit card. There is no need to take cash with you. The price for Avgas is currently 3.60 euros per litre. For Jet A1 you pay 1.32 euros per litre

    Hotel: You pay for it yourself. Expect to pay around 100-150 euros per night in a double room including breakfast.

We will do our best to keep the costs manageable by negotiating landing fees with the airport operator and each aircraft service company, agreeing special rates with hotels, choosing good and cheap restaurants in advance.

Flying together and experiencing exciting adventures. That is the goal.

The association does not organise the trip and is not responsible for it. There is no guarantee that the trip will take place. The association merely passes on information to the participants. Each participant pays the service provider directly and is responsible for their own arrangements, travel planning, equipment, liability, and all related matters.

Aircraft of all classes are
welcome to apply!

Our fantastic route to Türkiye

All Fly2Troy pilots will meet at the EDMQ airfield before the start of the Türkiye Adventure Tour. We will organise a great FlyOut event for you Fly2Troy participants there. The first briefing will also take place there and you will receive a small Fly2Troy box with snacks, small sponsoring gifts, stickers, key fobs and much more. We look forward to seeing you there!

Our route ICAO Names:

The route is currently still being created